dinsdag 30 april 2019

🇪🇺 Fijne Dag van de Arbeid! Vrij verkeer van personen is één van de basisprincipes van de EU waardoor EU-burgers het recht hebben om overal in de EU te werken. Bekijk de video voor meer informatie 🔽 https://t.co/1DGzHaalWA #EUInternationalAcademy RT… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Brussel ziet veel animo voor #batterijproject #eu #accu #eba https://t.co/BXb6AKY15J #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/Uk1jDQHJBX #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: Inaugurating a powerful expo by Dr. Filipa Bessa, a scientist/artist who worked on the supporting scientific evidence report underpinning the scientific opinion by the Commission's chief scientific advisors on the risks of #microplastic pollut… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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🇪🇺Ben je op 1 juli 18 jaar oud en sta je te trappelen om Europa te ontdekken? Dankzij het #DiscoverEU-initiatief kunnen jongeren zich van 2 tot 16 mei 2019 registreren voor gratis treinkaartjes. 🚄🚃🚌 Doe jij ook mee? ➡️ https://t.co/4JIrbA2ULb … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: I am grateful for the work that the Group of EU Chief Scientific Advisors and SAPEAnews have done. We now have clarity on what we can and should do and what we need to know and how we can find it out in order to act later. … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: Internationally coordinated response is key in the #microplastics pollution #policymaking say the #SAMGroup_EU Scientific Advisors in their latest opinion. I fully support this vision! #scienceadvice 👉 https://t.co/vSAR1AsCp2 … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: Congrats to Scientific Advisors #SAMGroup_EU for another 🗝️contribution for #Science4policy regarding #microplasticspollution. Thank you Filipa Bessa for your amazing and powerful photo exhibition #Zooplastics. See the full recommendations her… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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In Europa werken verschillende veiligheids- en inlichtingendiensten samen. De informatie-uitwisseling met de Oostenrijkse veiligheidsdienst wordt beperkt, dit i.v.m. de extreemrechtse regeringspartij FPÖ 🗃️ Paul Abels schreef een analyse. #EU #Hofvijver … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Europees burgerinitiatief voor belasting op kerosine #eu #burgerinitiatief #kerosine #brandstof https://t.co/b6y2zfz8sz #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/IyjASc7KOG #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Thank you CAutengruber & SG Widegren from Youth_Forum for the insightful discussions and visit at the #YoFest2019. I could feel the dynamism of the European youth and it makes me hopeful for the #EP2019 and the #FutureofEurope https://t.co/SK0NyorrmH Co… https://t.co/YS9Jh3uvVi

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We’re in Brasilia today for the 9th EU-Brazil Joint Steering Committee on S&T cooperation. Cooperation in #research and #innovation is key to the 🇪🇺🇧🇷 Strategic Partnership, with important work together on #cleanoceans, #health and #sustainable energy #O… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: Is it a jellyfish? Or a small piece of plastic? Looking forward to opening a powerful photographic expo of microplastic particles posing as vibrant marine life by scientist/artist Dr. Filipa Bessa and receiving #SAMGroup_EU’s latest opinion on… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Europese Commissie doet aanbevelingen voor strategische agenda 2019-2024 #eu https://t.co/ZzGJfeXeyZ #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/VEs7IFkaN6 #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Peiling Europese verkiezingen: VVD en FvD gelijk aan kop #eu https://t.co/kWDUuFQQGD #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/cN8uag1fSd #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Italië laat vluchtelingen evacueren uit Libië #eu https://t.co/0aHAHed82s #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/rAZwS3UNqL #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Advocaat Generaal EU-Hof: Airbnb is een informatiedienst #eu https://t.co/gS08f93xNo #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/PcBC47mDUX #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Eurostat: economie eurozone groeit sterker #eu https://t.co/KgZKlMgx6k #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/GeWQwukoMR #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Investeringshof in handelsverdragen niet in strijd met Europees Recht #eu https://t.co/E1C63j4I76 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/j8a0xz7Ylp #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_ENV: 🆕#IPBES7: The 🌍 is meeting to discuss the most important global report on biodiversity & ecosystem services that will be launched on May 6. Biodiversity loss is alarming and we can only address it together! 🦎🌿🦗🌱🦒🦜🌴🐠 LIVE: … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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My week ahead! https://t.co/jZ9ZOYmMNT CoR_President RT #EUIApress #EUInternationalAcademy My week ahead! https://t.co/jZ9ZOYmMNT — Karl-Heinz Lambertz (CoR_President) April 30, 2019 https://t.co/c4ndS7b1y3

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RT HorizonMagEU: #Deepsea #sponges could be used to create bone #implants thanks to their bone-forming cells https://t.co/ngccPlQodT https://t.co/6FTqlOSxAq #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScienceInnov https://t.co/4wDYxUo5Pk more #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_H2020: EUScienceInnov EU_ENV UNEnvironment EUEnvironment EU_ecoinno UEFrance IPBES BiodiversityEU BiodivERsA3 #IPBES7 Plenary examining #GlobalAssessment on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services today🦆🐢🌱🦋 EU research contributes to this key evidenc… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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maandag 29 april 2019

R U going to vote at the #EUElection19 ? 🧐 #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/AzTQA3hoH9 #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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Bevolking begin dit jaar sneller gegroeid #eu #migratie #cbs https://t.co/OouBc1gHc5 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/gVLa7MDiG5 #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Arts and humanities research can now benefit from a European digital research infrastructure which boosts access to resources, toolkits and collaboration, with #EUfunded DARIAHeu 📚🎶🖌️ https://t.co/tye9LO18sS #ResearchImpactEU🇪🇺 Europeanaeu … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Frans Timmermans adviseert stem op groen #spitzenkandidat #eu #maastrichtdebate #ep2019 #klimaat https://t.co/R5Ewc9DQok #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/7n9jqQFU3r #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Geen Europese verkiezingen voor Puigdemont #spanje #eu #catalonie #jxcat #ep2019 https://t.co/uz4qFwAnNB #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/vAO0T9RDOd #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Omstreden regering Estland aan de slag #estland #eu #ratas https://t.co/SdaMgGpUdP #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/HbAdK9y7tv #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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❓ Why should you go vote in May? CoR member fdecoster 🇫🇷🇪🇺 shares his one wish for Europe, and points out why it is important for citizens to participate in the upcoming #EUelections2019. #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/HOddyRaOyX #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retw… https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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Europese sancties tegen #Myanmar jaar verlengd #mensenrechten #mensenrechtenbeleid #eu https://t.co/kdlu4vnTpg #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/nmRQ5Fc9Gw #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_ENV: In 2007, after a series of serious flood events, the EU adopted the Floods Directive 🌊 Where are we now? Are all countries ready? Editorial by EU_ENV Director Veronica Manfredi veromanfrve for the 🇪🇺 Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Ce… https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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Het Europees Parlement 2014-2019 in cijfers #ep #europarlementariers #eu #europeesparlement https://t.co/hymiYRDZI2 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/biJfR6kpW4 #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: What should be the EU's top priorities in the coming years? 11,000 young people ages 15-30 said • Protecting the environment & fighting #climatechange • Education & training • Fighting poverty, economic & social inequalities Eurob… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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De term 'steeds hechter verbond' oftewel #EverCloserUnion in Europese verdragen is veelbesproken. Wat zeggen de verdragen echt? https://t.co/z4dxuTLwzK #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/ubRvjgQ6Og #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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A better climate starts from the actions taken by each one of us! 🌱💪 #EWWR2019 prizes the best winning actions agains #waste ! Find out more about the award on 15th May 👇👇👇👇 #climateaction #Regions4Climate https://t.co/xX4pEMK0aP #EUIAPRESS #EUI… https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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This is how #Regions4Integration works in Carinthia 🇦🇹 PeterKaiserSP explains how it is possible to welcome refugees and integrate them in the community. #IntegrationEU https://t.co/xBemiVDN09 #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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Het aprilnummer van de Hofvijver: 'Kom op voor Europa' #eu https://t.co/NiTipzV98q #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/SgT90YfpKI #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Merkel en Macron nemen het voortouw tijdens de Balkan Summit vandaag in Berlijn. Hoe zit het, met die 'Frans-Duitse as'? #BalkSummit https://t.co/XFap4kCG53 https://t.co/0JC4oaKyxZ #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/xRgTHR30JA #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Creditcardbedrijven VS verlagen tarieven #consumentenrechten #mededinging #concurrentie #eu https://t.co/T3kOCWTdw1 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/ebk06NSdla #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT NPOpolitiek: MAANDAG LIVE: Vanaf 19.00 uur het #MaastrichtDebate met 5 #Spitzenkandidaten die voorzitter van de Europese Commissie willen worden: TimmermansEU, BasEickhout, Violeta Tomic, guyverhofstadt en ZahradilJan, op tv en … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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🗨️ "We all should believe that our strength is in our diversity" – wishes CoR member KTutto 🇭🇺🇪🇺 and addresses why it is important to go vote in the #EUelections2019 in May. #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/3RTfJT8yzD #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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Don't miss the opening session live webcast in EN and FR, starting shortly ⏯️ https://t.co/tVJGAx3zwK Be part of the conversation at #IPBES7! https://t.co/UijyiPds7O #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScienceInnov https://t.co/Vx6tSqeH8l more #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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#IPBES7 Plenary starts today in Paris. Governments will discuss and approve the #GlobalAssessment Report on #Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. It is the most important scientific contribution ever on biodiversity and nature's contributions to people … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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EU-miljardensteun voor jonge boeren #landbouw #eu https://t.co/X5JCzIl77l #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/b1DawzvV0N #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: Forests cover 43% of the EU, 182 million hectares. 🇪🇺 The ‘1 Hectare Initiative’ will use EU funds to reward farmers who convert one hectare of their land to forests that respect biodiversity. More → https://t.co/n7XRvmEDdu … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Health: How much #vaccine confidence do we have? What about our #doctors? How is the delivery of #vaccination services in the #EU organised? Check our reports 👉https://t.co/BQ8iCGrAEx #EUVaccines #VaccinesWork #EUProtects #ImmunizeEurope … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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zondag 28 april 2019

PSOE van Sánchez wil open onderhandelingen in #eu https://t.co/c0cjky8Gxp #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/WF4dhg88OY #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_ScienceHub: #DYK that up to one quarter of terrestrial biodiversity lives in the soil? 🐛 Researchers are looking into biodiversity aboveground and in the soil. Check out the findings 👀 Read a recent ConBiology article. 👇 lultimoalbero mont81258… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Vandaag vinden er vervroegde parlementsverkiezingen plaats in Spanje 🇪🇸. Meer weten over de politieke situatie en geschiedenis van het land? #spanje #verkiezingen https://t.co/Jfmp737MMX #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/8xWCd8TPKG #EUIA… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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zaterdag 27 april 2019

🇪🇺 Stem jij ook bij de #EUverkiezingen2019? Vergeet je niet te registeren en laat jouw stem horen ➡ https://t.co/Abtft38Y0S 🇧🇪 België: 2⃣6⃣/ 0⃣5⃣ 🇳🇱 Nederland: 2⃣3⃣/ 0⃣5⃣ #ikstemdezekeer https://t.co/9uG44oShV4 #EUInternationalAcademy RT Europarl_NL… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: It's European Immunisation Week. Did you know vaccines save between 1 and 3 million lives worldwide each year? WHO has named vaccine disinformation among top 10 public health threats. See EU action → https://t.co/BQ8iCGrAEx #VaccinesW… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT euronewsknwldge: 🥒Cucumber season is coming 🥒 Here is how the EU helps labs to correctly measure the pesticides residues in them : https://t.co/NCZlEgtjGw #ResearchImpactEU #futuris EUScienceInnov euronews EU_ScienceHub DSMeu … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: Happy King’s Day, the Netherlands! Fijne Koningsdag! 🇳🇱 🇪🇺 The Netherlands was one of the six founding countries of the European Economic Community in 1957 – today the EU family is bigger and stronger! #Koningsdag2019 … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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🧐 What would happen in the EU did not exits? CoR member Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis 🇫🇷🇪🇺 explains why it is important to go vote in the #EUelections2019. #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/0J976iUT7x #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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vrijdag 26 april 2019

'Brussel moet SS-pensioenen onderzoeken' #eu https://t.co/hn9Fy3HMNu #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/5dWSvikN4I #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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RT Mariecurie_alum: Have you completed an FP7 or Horizon 2020 project? Don't miss this opportunity to be rewarded for your hard work! Apply for the Horizon Impact Award - 5 winners get €10k each. Learn more ➡️ https://t.co/0dLPwfWYZ2 #H2020 #HorizonEU… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Meer jonge asielzoekers zonder begeleiding #vluchtelingenproblematiek #migrantenstroom #asielzoekers #eu https://t.co/LM4yS7XEwP #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/uYykhJskE3 #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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Colloid chemistry is vital to many industrial processes such as the manufacture of paint, paper, ceramics and foods. A #H2020 project improves the synthesis of complex structures within colloids, to create new, innovative materials #ResearchImpactEU🇪… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: Think blue, think Smurf. The EU and the Smurfs have teamed up to raise awareness and protect our oceans. More on our blue partnership → https://t.co/QGGBXWS3Lk #EUBeachCleanUp #GlobalGoals https://t.co/Gt38IPSCLw #EUInternationalAcade… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Dit weekend zijn er vervroegde parlementsverkiezingen in #Spanje🇪🇸. Oud NOS-correspondent RBosschart schreef een artikel voor de #hofvijver over de politieke onrust in Spanje de afgelopen jaren. https://t.co/WQReDP0PWG #EUInternationalAcademy RT europan… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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🇪🇺Hoe zag het Europees Parlement eruit tijdens het termijn van 2014-2019? Ontdek enkele interessante feiten en cijfers die het volgende Parlement zullen vormgeven. ➡️ https://t.co/T7wqTKonWg https://t.co/pGUKeoWYTS #EUInternationalAcademy RT Europarl_N… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Vertrouwen in onafhankelijkheid rechters daalt #eu #rechterlijkemacht #vertrouwen https://t.co/6uuCJmg2O1 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/Rpi5VY1ilc #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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European Maritime Day is approaching! 🗓️16 & 17 May 2019 📍Lisbon Join us to discuss EU policy initiatives in support of Europe’s Sustainable Blue Economy🌊🐠 #EMD2019 ➡️https://t.co/LqKxe35N7K https://t.co/lkvomQyzB3 #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUSci… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Begint u de commotie rondom de brexit🇬🇧 ook te missen? Goed nieuws! Sinds kort in de Top 🔟 Europa op https://t.co/AqGPeNa8Tu 'De brexit-saga' van HylkeVandenbuss . Bestellen via #politiekeboeken #brexit https://t.co/vDKoEQyNRI #EUInternationalAcademy R… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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☝️ Why is it important vote in the EU elections in May? Listen to the reasons presented by CoR member baljeuj 🇳🇱🇪🇺 #EUelections2019 #ThisTImeImVoting https://t.co/2NJXRJjG5M #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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RT EU_Health: #Vaccination is one of the greatest successes of public #health of our time. Over the past 60 years, it has saved more children’s lives than any other medical intervention. #VaccinesWork Check our #EUVaccines work https://t.co/uj9sJdWJRe … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Municipalities and mayors can apply for the European Capital of Innovation 2019, win €1.5 million🏆and be part of Europe’s most innovative cities! 🏙️🏟️🌳 #iCapitalAwards✨ #H2020 🇪🇺 🗓️Deadline: 6 June ➡️https://t.co/JCqH93Xzqz https://t.co/goq0Nmud1N… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Moedas: Did you know that only 17% of tech students are girls? It’s time to end stereotypes that limit their ambitions and make a real change for the future generation. Dream big girls! On #GirlsinICT Day and every day. #womenintech … https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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Tweede Kamer wil 'een steeds hechter verbond' uit Europese verdragen #eu #leijten #bisschop #evercloserunion https://t.co/RrGhxepnny #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/vOhLWqRzS0 #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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donderdag 25 april 2019

Are you going to vote at the #EUElections2019 ? 👇Here what our members say #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/yLSTVO39Sb #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retweets more at https://t.co/aiY0PowrtS

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Uitspraak Europees Hof legde bom onder Nederland als fiscale vrijhaven #eu https://t.co/YY7Z2TfYUq #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/2kF8vztqlf #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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RT EU_ScienceHub: Are you working on #NuclearMedicine? DYK you can use our #Radionuclide Metrology laboratories? Apply by 1/05 ➡️ https://t.co/94qseY6jzQ #OpenLab MSCActions EUScienceInnov ERC_Research https://t.co/oy8heFBQ4I #EUInternationalAcademy R… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Could doctors one day plan treatment for painful rare anaemias at the push of a button? A device from an #EUfunded project can reveal new information about rare #anaemia, for faster drug development and personalised patient care #EUHealthResearch ➡️http… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Rutte neemt Hoekstra in bescherming tegen #D66 over Europa #eu https://t.co/Xy4irjW3qg #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/JpsOcFY8lz #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Iers onderzoek naar privacykwestie #Facebook #eu https://t.co/o50oSGPDje #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/fZ0QFd9QGm #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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De PvdA kwam vandaag met het bericht een digitale tax te willen voor 'techreuzen'. Een Europees voorstel voor de zogenaamde '#digitaks' werd in maart door de Ministers van Financiën echter in de ijskast gezet. Waarom? ➡️https://t.co/oqbcQzplN5 #EUInter… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT EU_Commission: “Today I’m being born. What will the world I grow up in look like?” Choose your future. European elections 23-26 May. #EUelections2019 https://t.co/Nm9fVQtU8K #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScienceInnov https://t.co/O3kvva0qDg more #EU… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT FTM_nl: De grote koepels van nationale politieke partijen in de EU stippelen het beleid uit. Maar ondanks de strikte transparantieregels omtrent financiën, is het voor kiezers moeilijk te checken waar de partijen geld vandaan halen. FTM onderzocht de … https://t.co/p60n4cQIDd

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RT Moedas: Great news! 13 projects from 17 countries will receive #EU_eic pilot funding totalling €33 million. These amazing projects connect industrial partners, big corporates and innovative SMEs, creating new markets and jobs for European citizens… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Brussel vindt Russische #paspoortwet nieuwe aanval op #Oekraïne #eu https://t.co/AcveZuSh3p #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/4fTOmiRkhv #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Fors minder #asielzoekers krijgen #status #asiel #eu https://t.co/06OzlfQHic #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/qQKCalMUkl #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Each of us can leave a mark, but together we can make a real difference. And that’s why we vote. Choose your future in the #EUelections2019 23-26 May #ThisTimeImVoting 🇪🇺 https://t.co/RPq3lddpc8 #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScienceInnov … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Today is #WorldMalariaDay🦟 Learn more about the fight against #PlasmodiumVivax through #EUfunded MultiViVax project⬇️ https://t.co/LdMAF20ePG #EUHealthResearch #ResearchImpactEU https://t.co/2NyC2HbB27 #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScienceInnov … https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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PvdA wil belasting digitale grootverdieners #digitaks #eu https://t.co/I4rNdt6vj3 #EUInternationalAcademy RT europanu https://t.co/Raz0xSP7Ok #EUIAOJ at https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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❓ What would CoR member manupleguezuelo 🇪🇸🇪🇺 miss the most if the EU did not exist? And what is his wish for the future of Europe? 👉 Make also your voice be heard and go vote in the #EUElections2019. #ThisTimeImVoting https://t.co/62gQuErGR1 #EUIAPR… https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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RT antsoares67: CoR_President at CESCI 10th anniversary conference in Budapest refers to study which shows how removal of cross-border obstacles would increase GDP of border regions by 8%. https://t.co/11tLe86TBQ CoR_President RT #EUIApress #EUInternati… https://t.co/A5EPdT8ziL

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RT Europarl_EN: From the second we come into this world, we’re in it together. Each of us can leave a mark, but together we can make a real difference. Choose your future. European elections 23-26 May ⬇ https://t.co/z3JYukex0C CoR_President RT #EUIApres… https://t.co/qerLsvUU63

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JalilaEssaidi Inspidere BioArtLab InnoOriginsNL DuurzaamBV ndnl dutchdesignweek NLatEU EUinNL ROSopensecurity TekTokNL CodemoAmsterdam SIDN Hacker0x01 ncsc_nl ‘Make possible the impossible,’ encourages nuriaespallarg1, finalist for #WIPrizeEU, inventor o… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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Zodra we op deze wereld komen, zijn we samen. Ieder van ons kan iets bijdragen, maar samen kunnen we echt het verschil maken. Bepaal jouw toekomst. Europese verkiezingen 23-26 mei ➡️ https://t.co/JSVkomvWym https://t.co/sxizAygqAC #EUInternationalAca… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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What’s buzzing in #MalariaResearch? On #WorldMalariaDay, check out what the EU_Commission does to fight Malaria! ➡️https://t.co/bgqJ3p9WkS #EndMalariaForGood #EUHealthResearch #ResearchImpactEU https://t.co/o5I0GK5hfB #EUInternationalAcademy RT EUScie… https://t.co/p60n4cz7LF

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RT Europarl_EN: From the second we come into this world, we’re in it together. Each of us can leave a mark, but together we can make a real difference. Choose your future. European elections 23-26 May ⬇ https://t.co/z3JYukex0C #EUIAPRESS #EUIAOJ retwe… https://t.co/aiY0PoeQCk

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